Friday, August 14, 2015

Architecture Tour Along the Charles River and Boston Harbor, Saturday morn. October 3

This architecture cruise down the Charles received a 5-star rating from BSLUGS who have been on it in the past. 

"This 90-minute tour, hosted by Charles Riverboat Company, offers spectacular views of historic and contemporary architecture along Boston Harbor, the Charles River Locks, and the Charles River basin. The tour is led by Boston on Foot guides and is co-sponsored by BSA Space, a center for architecture and design––includes landmarks such as Marriott's Custom House, the Prudential Building, and the Hancock tower, as well as cutting edge contemporary design by today's top architects. These are simply the best waterfront views of Boston and Cambridge." (BSA website)

WHEN: Join us Saturday, October 3 at 10 am and see for yourselves!
WHERE: Boat departs from the CambridgeSide Galleria

COST: $18.50 for a voucher that never expires if you send your check to Beata by Sept. 25

If you do not prepay for a voucher, the gate price is $27.50, Adults; $22.50, Seniors, Students and Children under the age of 12 (gate prices do not include the 5% Boston Sightseeing Tour Surcharge)

All friends and family welcome.

"Cruise under magnificent bridges and experience the architecture in Boston and Cambridge from a truly unique perspective." From Boston by Foot

DEADLINE TO RSVP & send in your checks: Friday, Sept. 25

Send check made out to:
Beata Panagopoulos, 28 Maple Ave., Apt. 3, Cambridge, MA 02139-1130


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